Design & Technology
Our Approach to DT
Design and technology intent and implementation at the Marist is through discovery, awe and wonder, using problem solving skills and creativity and imagination to design and make products that solve real and relevant problems within a variety of contexts. Our aim is to make the learning journey of DT purposeful, considering others needs, wants and values. Our DT, where possible, is cross curricular, allowing the children to develop their knowledge of a topic they are learning about and provide deeper learning experiences.
Through DT, we enable the children to apply learning from across the curriculum, including opportunities to apply maths, science, computing, art, communication, team work and motor skills. Children are able to take risks, become resourceful and as they head into Key Stage Two become entrepreneurs and citizens of local community offering their solutions and products to our local community.
Through communication, trial and error, learning from our mistakes and our successes the children evaluate their own and others work, deciding if products that already fit a desired spec are suitable or considering their own design to be more efficient. They develop the ability to analyse and make decisions that have an impact on the wider world.
Our Marist Design and Technology curriculum is sustainable, economical and resourceful in its aim to provide high quality DT without having a large impact on our planet and the carbon footprint we create. We aim to use recycled products and we learn how to use these with care so that we can share, reuse and recycle.