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Year 4 Curriculum


Daily maths lessons will focus greatly on the children’s ability to apply their number knowledge to solve problems, use a variety of means of recording calculations and use manipulatives to support their learning. There is great emphasis on oral and mental maths and the lessons do not always comprise recorded work.  The National Curriculum expectation is that by the end of Year 4 children will know all their times tables up to 12 x 12. The Year 4 Multiplication Check will take place in the summer term of Year 4; for this reason it is important that the children practise their multiplication tables regularly.  We will be testing tables, and their mental maths skills, on a weekly basis.



In line with the new curriculum our daily English lessons will see children work from a range of fiction and non-fiction texts to support their creative writing and learning of grammar.  There will be weekly spelling tests every Friday and the spelling lists for the half term are in the children’s homework books.


All pupils are encouraged to change their own reading books, choosing from their colour band or the school library. If they wish to read a book from home then we are happy to encourage this; although perhaps they could alternate between a home and a school book each time. Progress is monitored by the teacher and the children are benchmarked when ready to move to the next level.

This year, we are starting a new Guided Reading scheme called Master Readers. This will take place every day with each focussing on a different skill. In this the children will read and respond to a variety of different texts.



Knowledge organisers for our main topic areas are available on the website. Our first topic is ‘Journey of a River’, and we will be looking at the journey of a river from source to mouth, as well as learning about the water cycle.


Religious Education

Within Year 4 this term we will focus on three key themes; those of Domestic Church (Family), Baptism and Confirmation (Belonging) and Advent and Christmas (Loving). We will also be looking at Judaism as our Other Faiths week this term. In the summer term we shall focus on Islam.


We have two P.E. lessons a week, by CM Sports on a Monday and by their class teacher on a Thursday (during Autumn 1).  Please ensure your child arrives at school wearing their PE kit on these days. We would ask that girls do not wear hard hairbands especially on P.E. days.  A note is required if your child is unable to participate in P.E. No jewellery or valuables should be brought into school and watches should be removed for P.E.