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Year 3 Curriculum


The children will have daily maths lessons. There is great emphasis on oral and mental maths and the lessons do not always comprise recorded work.  The national curriculum expectation is that by the end of Year 4 children will know all their times tables up to 12 x 12;  for this reason it is important that the children practise their multiplication tables regularly. This is reflected in both class work and homework. They should already know their 2, 5 and 10 times tables, and will need to learn their 3, 4 and 8 times table over the course of Year 3.  We will be testing them, and their mental maths, on a weekly basis.



In our English lessons children work from a range of fiction and non-fiction texts to support their creative writing and learning of SPAG (spelling, punctuation and grammar). 

It is the school’s expectation that all children from Year 3 will be able to earn their pen licence. This involves the children demonstrating a purposeful presentation in their books, including homework books. This means that work should be neatly presented following our school presentation code that the children have learnt in class. Once they have earned their pen licence they should write in a blue handwriting pen.  Please help us by putting your children’s name on their equipment so they do not become lost and can be returned to the correct person.

All pupils are encouraged to change their own reading books, choosing from their colour band. Progress is monitored by the teacher and the children are benchmarked termly or when we notice they’re ready to move to the next level.



Within Year 3 we will focus on three key themes this term; those of Domestic Church (Homes), Baptism and Confirmation (Promises) and Advent and Christmas (Visitors). We will also be looking at Judaism as our Other Faiths week this term. In the summer term we shall focus on Islam as part of our Other Faiths week.


Foundation subjects

A Knowledge Organiser will published at the beginning of each half-term on the school website. This will outline the areas we will be learning about in each topic and will include some relevant information and vocabulary for your use at home.


The children have their weekly PE lesson on Mondays with CM Sports. In addition to this, the children will have PE on a Tuesday (Autumn 1, Spring 1 and Summer 1) and on a Friday (Autumn 2, Spring 2, and Summer 2). A note is required if your child is unable to participate in P.E. No jewellery or valuables should be brought into school. Watches may be worn, but should be removed for P.E. Any child wearing earrings will not be able to participate in our PE lessons.