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Prayer and Worship

As a Catholic school, prayer and worship lie at the heart of our daily life and routines. Our daily worship and liturgies provide an opportunity for children to develop socially, morally and spiritually. Our children engage in a range of worship forms including celebration, singing, formal, informal and shared. Our children are familiar with the language, silence and stillness of worship. Prayer and worship are shared experiences which are led by staff and children to a high quality. 

Weekly Worship Timetable 

Monday-Whole school Gospel worship at 9am, led by a member of SLT

Tuesday-Whole school singing worship at 9am, led by Miss Clement-Doyle

Wednesday-Celebration worship at 9am or 9.45am, led by teachers 

Thursday-In class worship at 9am, led by the children and the class teacher 

Friday-Class Worship to parents at 9am, Child Led Worship at 9am or whole school Mass at 9am with Father Aaron 




Our School Prayers
Start of the Day
Father in heaven you love me
You are with me night and day
I want to love you always in all I do and say.
I’ll try to please you Father,
Bless me through the day
Grace before lunch
Bless us O God as we sit together
Bless the food we eat today
Bless the hands that made the food
Bless us O God
Prayer after lunch
Dear Father,
For our daily food and giving us so much that is good
Accept our thanks we humbly pray
And keep us thankful day by day
End of the Day
Father of us all
Thank you for another happy day at school
Thank you for the lessons we have learnt
And the games we played
May we come back tomorrow ready for
Another happy day at school.

The Marist School Prayer
This is our school, Lord,
Let peace dwell here,
Let the room be full of contentment
Let love abide here,
Love of one another,
Love of mankind,

Love of life itself
And love of God
Let us remember
That as many hands build a house
So many hearts make a school