Relationships & Sex Education
Our Approach to RSE
RSE is the life long learning about physical, moral and emotional development. It forms part of our RE, PSHE, Science, RE and Computing curriculum and our key objective is developing the well-being of the child. We believe parents are the prime educators of their children. Therefore, our school as a school is to support you and not to replace you.
In line with guidance from the Diocese, we are using a programme called 'Life to the Full' by Ten Ten Resources. This programme has been approved by the Diocese. Furthermore, Ten Ten Resources has entered into a partnership with the Catholic Education service and the Department for Education to provide training for teachers in Catholic schools on the subject of RSE.
As a Catholic school, our mission is to support the spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of all of our children, rooted in the wisdom and teaching of the Church. The education of children in human sexuality is an important, precious and privileged responsibility.
Further information about the statutory guidance on RSE can be found here.
Life to the Full- Ten Principles for Catholic RSE:
- Our bodies are good
- Through loving relationships we become close to the image and likeness of God
- Catholic Relationship Sex Education is about the whole person
- Catholic RSE should be taught in partnership with parents
- Our deepest identify is as a child of God
- Story can change heart and mind
- Catholic RSE is an education in virtue
- Catholic RSE is an education in conscience
- Relationship education is about striving for the common good
- Prayer, scripture and the Sacraments underpin the teaching
Structure of 'Life to the Full'
Each year group covers the same three modules, which take their names from the three themes of the CES Model Curriculum:
- Module 1: Created and loved by God
- Module 2: Created to love others
- Module 3: Created to live in the community
Parent Portal
Within this programme, there are some key decisions which are to be made and are explained through the Ten Ten consultation tool. This is a simple-to-follow, short online course. To access the consultation tool, please visit and using the following login credentials for our school:
Username: infomaristsurreyschuk
Password: MARist2024
Ten Ten Resources have also provided an Online Parent Portal which will be a tool we can use throughout the year to keep you informed and updated about the work we are doing in school.